Friday, September 28, 2012

Don't Follow the Trends, Make Them

So I've never been one to follow fashion trends and quirky rules that are set, like never wear white after Labor Day.  Actually, I avoid white all year round, but thats only because my wardrobe consists of dark hues.  Okay, mostly all I wear is black, but if I did have some white, I'd wear any day....even after freakin' Labor Day.  There are other items I wear that are sometimes seen as unusual pieces for a girl to wear.  I get perplexed stares and take note of people, not so discreetly mind you, stopping to whisper a comment to their friend about something I have on.  And I must declare right now, I don't wear anything that is soooo extravagant and odd for this to happen.  It can be a very subtle accessory that sets certain people off.  It is a reminder to me that there are many people afraid to be even a little different.  They remain in their comfort zone...up until of course, the all mighty trend comes in like a tidal wave and suddenly whatever little notion I wore is now marketed to the max and those same people who looked at me like I have 2 heads are now down with the look!  I can't tell you how many times I've seen trends come in and see people get all excited over it and I think to myself......"are they really just getting it?"  Then I laugh when someone tells me the trend is over because fashion says so.  Well, who's fashion?  The magazines?  MTV?  Jersey Shore?  Now, unless we're talking about the piano tie, there are many looks that just don't go out of style.  Fashion is what you make of it.  It's an indication of  who you are or who you'd maybe like to be.  And every day, you get a chance to dictate how your day will be or how people perceive you just by your appearance.  Remember in school, "Dress for Success?"  Well its true!  However, my interpretation of dressing for success is wearing clothing and accessories that YOU like, not what magazines or media tell ya.  This applies to how you style your hair even!  For instance, I've always enjoyed my hair more once the roots are showing after placing highlights from many months before.  Yeah I got stares and snarky remarks in the past, but now, since its a trend that happens to be in, you've got people paying big bucks to get that same look.  However, I did hear today at the salon that while the look is hot, it's going to be out of trend pretty soon.  Go figure.

1 comment:

  1. Right on my fashion forward sista! Part of the problem is that we live in a burg where the very vanguard of fashion is cargo shorts and flip-flops from Old Navy. It appears to me that you are just unique, fierce and secure enough in yourself to express through wardrobe your creativity and individuality, and for that, I applaud you. But ummmm does this mean I have to burn my piano tie? I'll tell you what, I'll trade you one piano tie for that beautiful powder blue Brooks Brother's scarf...
