Saturday, June 9, 2012

Fashion FYi is on Facebook Now!

So I recently returned from my fabulous trip to New York City where I finally got to meet my dear literary agent Grace.  Her advice to me was to promote my book which is currently circulating through the hands of various publishers, via social media.  So I created a Facebook page to showcase my book Fashion FYi.  The harsh reality of trying to get published these days is that one has to become a social media whore in hopes of landing a publishing deal.  And you can't just dip your toe in the social media waters have to dive in and completely submerge yourself until you are dripping wet with "likes" and numerous posts.  As technically savvy as I think I am, I'm still a bit wet behind the ears when it comes to this.  Mainly because this is all to promote myself!  How weird is that!  I've been forcing my family and friends to "LIKE" my page and post comments.  Kinda funny.  I feel like I'm forcing fun upon them, which is basically what this least for now.  I'm sure the pressure will ease away soon and this will become a much easier process....I hope so, for the sake of my family and friends.  And if you should happen to be reading this, it is in your BEST INTEREST TO LIKE MY FACEBOOK PAGE TOO...  I thank you in advance.  :)